Dr. Jean Cirillo, Attorney and Psychologist in New York City

Welcome to the official website of Dr. Jean Cirillo
A practicing psychologist and attorney, Dr. Jean Cirillo has been seen on hundreds of national television shows, as expert guest and staff psychologist.
Since she began her training at Columbia University, Dr. Cirillo has been a published author, speaker, professional association officer, practitioner, consultant to reality shows and media commentator.
Dr. Jean Cirillo is available to discuss psychological aspects of current events or breaking news related to women’s issues, children and teens, violence, relationships, divorce, addictions, brain functioning and health.
Dr. Jean Cirillo: CourtTV series
Ehow: Behavior Management
Jean made an invaluable contribution to many, many shows during our time working together. She has an ability to connect with guests of all ages and offer solid advice and direction. She was an important part of the team, both on and off camera. Most recently, I consulted with her about a new show during it’s early development stages that has just been piloted.
Ron Carroll
Ron Carroll
We called on one of our favorite returning guess Dr.Jean Cirillo to help us decide which one of our contestants should make it into the finals.
Dr. Jean Cirillo has been on the show before and she did such a good job that we had to have her back.